C. Bess Wonders

Private Interpretation of Scripture

Sunday, September 1, 2024
visibility 30

Private Interpretation of Scripture

The Holy Bible (66 books) throughout needs and assumes private or personal (individual) interpretation of Scripture. But, it also makes it clear that individuals who have the Spirit will rightly interpret it; not perfectly, but adequately (Psalm 119:9, 1 John 4:1-6, 2 Tim. 2:7, 2 Peter 3:16, etc). Meaning, they will interpret all essential portions accurately.

The Law of Moses was given to the people, who heard it and agreed to follow it all. The Law was read amongst the people and they were expected to meditate on it and obey it (Psalm 1, Deut. 6, etc).

In the NT, the epistles were written to individuals and entire churches (which contained individuals) who were expected to rightly interpret (understand) what was written to them (2-3 John, Philemon, 1 Cor., etc). The writers, like Christ, were holding the recipients responsible for what was written.

Certain commands (Matt. 28:19-20, Luke 6:46, John 14:21, 2 Tim. 2:15, 2 Peter 3:18, etc) would be impossible to obey if private interpretation of Scripture was forbidden or discouraged. Each individual is responsible for following God’s word, which requires us to know it properly (Acts 17:11, etc).

And finally, how would one grow in a personal relationship with God apart from knowing God by His word and Spirit (John 17:17, etc)? If I am constantly/only learning of through a mere man, not inspired of God (infallibly teaching), then I am subject to the same errors taught by the Pharisees, namely man-made traditions and various forms of legalism.

Possessing and knowing God’s word personally is a means of grace that God has given us (Psalm 119, John 17:20, etc) to grow in faith. It also is a sure way to glorify Christ, since we would be able to see Him more clearly through the written word (2 Peter 1:15-21, etc).