C. Bess Wonders

Kamala and Walz, the fall folks

Thursday, November 7, 2024
visibility 29

From what I can tell, given how poorly Kamala interviews, debates, and behaves; she was chosen because the Democrats knew they would lose to Trump. They had no candidates that were willing (or able) to run, so they didn’t waste their time, and they chose Kamala. She is simply being used to take a hit for the team. 

Unlike her counterpart (Trump), she doesn’t even have a slogan to go with her campaign, nor was she elected as the Democratic pick. She by almost every account was "given" the spot as a drop-in, since Joe was not mentally or physically prepared to represent the Democrats.

— Update 11/5

Having Kamala and Tim run for the election was the Democrats giving they least, not their best to the American people. Kamala did not demonstrate that she was the most qualified person to run for office, nor did Tim. They showed that they were actually below average in many regards. And it is not because of gender or ethnicity, its simply their character and wisdom that ruined their chances.

Kamala has been defeated in the election. I’m grateful for God’s mercy on the country. I’m not a Democrat or a Republican, but a Christian; so seeing Trump take the victory is a relief of sorts.

I’m grateful as well because this election showed me, at least in part, that America is not as gullible as it appeared. They could see that Kamala was not qualified to represent America. She had no answers to anything important, few original ideas, and almost zero support outside of the abortion camp. They (Democrats) had her run based on externals (her appearance, her stance on abortion, and her liberal VP pick). Tim Walz was a dumpster fire of a pick as well. More than half of America was done with the empty promises of prosperity from the Rulers of the Left (Biden-Harris Administration).

Trump showed everyone that campaigning hard and working actually hard pays off. He also showed that the mainstream media does not have as much power and pull as they thought. More importantly, I think once again, God showed us Psalm 33:10 in action. Soli Deo gloria