C. Bess Wonders

How many Persons will we see in heaven?

Wednesday, March 15, 2023
visibility 196

How many Persons will we see in heaven?

On the surface, this seems to be a faulty or erroneous question. But, it is none the less and interesting thought experiment.

However, I think a better question is, how many Persons do angels see in heaven?

Note: The Bible teaches that God is triune in His being. The being is the what, and the Persons are the who of God. The one being of God is shared by three distinct divine persons, who are co-equal and co-eternal (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)

The best answer seems to be that given God is One, angels see only one. As indicated by Isaiah 6:1-8, and when we get to heaven, we will see Jesus (the God-man), as indicated by Acts 1:9-11. Again, one. Furthermore, we recognize that God is spirit, which, by definition, means immaterial. Also, how can you see God who is omnipresent, unless He manifests Himself in a visible and localized way? 

And that really is the key to the answer, who, throughout Scripture, made God visible? God the Son. Think Genesis 19, Isaiah 6, John 1, John 14, etc.

So, in heaven we will see One person, the Lord Jesus Christ, representing the One being of God.