C. Bess Wonders

Being Satisfied with Christ

Sunday, September 4, 2022
visibility 209

Being Satisfied with Christ

Your heart will never be satisfied, if you continue to focus on looking to everything except Christ. The habit to focus on the earthly things comes naturally (Prov. 27:20). When you focus your eyes on the world, you will desire the things of the world, naturally. But, when you focus on Christ, your desires will be for Christ and His things (kingdom). 

We must fix our eyes on Him to be truly satisfied to the full. To the full, meaning, not just for a brief season, but for all time. Christ is able to satisfy far beyond what the world, the flesh, and the devil can offer. We covet, because we are not satisfied.

In all things, Christ is able to satisfy to the full. Things fixed to this present evil age have nothing of eternal value to offer you, but things fixed for the eternal state will be a part of the Christian's joy.

What does it mean to "fix your eyes?" Thats another way of saying, "keep on your mind" or "meditate on day and night." This is why God's word tells us to meditate on the word day and night (Ps. 1:2) or to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). This is the challenge of the saint, to learn to be fully fixed on Christ and satisfied with Him and what He gives us.

I've known this in my head for many years, but only in this recent season, have I been convinced of it and it has been implanted in my heart more firmly. I pray the Spirit strengthens me to focus on Christ at all times, especially when the world, the flesh, and the devil try to get me to do otherwise.

It is true that God makes beautiful things, that are pleasing to the eyes. However, it is those eternal things that are the most beautiful. His Son being the apex of it all, eternal and uncreated, the most glorious God.

May Christ get all my attention, even when I'm busy.

Soli Deo Gloria

Reason for this note:

I noticed that I was thinking of so many things I wanted, so many things I desired to be mine; and I was uncomfortable with it. Then, I realized that I was spending way more time thinking and focusing on entertaining the thoughts of earthly desires, not heavenly ones. I'm grateful for Pastor Lynn, at my local church, to help me think through these things.